Earning HealthReturns is dependent on you complying with prescribed treatment for any chronic conditions that you may have.
Chronic compliance is only needed if you are registered on a chronic management programme or if we recommend that you to undergo further testing based on your health assessment results. This entails:
• Claiming for chronic medication for all of the Prescribed Minimum Benefit Chronic Disease List conditions for which you are registered, and also managing your lifestyle to achieve targeted chronic condition management outcomes as prescribed by the chronic management programme.
• Going for additional pathology tests, if required. We will send you a benefit authorisation and as soon as we receive the results, you will be deemed compliant. A revised Healthy Heart Score will be calculated based on the outcome of the pathology tests.
This also means that if, based on your health assessment results, we recommend that you to go for further testing, you won't earn HealthReturns if you don't comply and go for the recommended tests.
In addition, if you're registered on a chronic management programme:
- you need to get your chronic medicine monthly, and make sure that you take it according to the dosage and quantity prescribed by your doctor; and
- make sure that you don’t miss a dose – this isn't only important for compliance, but it can have serious implications for your health.
You also need a qualifying Healthy Heart Score.
For a digital health and fitness assessment, a qualifying Healthy Heart Score is a Green or Amber-Green score.
For an in-person health assessment, a qualifying Healthy Heart Score is a Green, Amber-Green, Amber, Amber-Red or Red score.