From 1 November 2024, as a Multiply Inspire, Inspire Plus or Engage Plus member we’ll calculate your qualifying calories in the following way to ensure that you get the most health benefits from your workouts:
You will no longer earn Active Dayz for calories if your wearable device
does not measure your heart rate or is not enabled.
Here are a few examples:
What happens to my Active Dayz?
All calories from workouts done within a specific day that meet the qualifying criteria will count towards Active Dayz. If you do more than one workout a day and each workout meets the qualifying criteria, the calories you burn in these workouts will count towards your Active Dayz. Get 300 qualifying calories to earn an Active Day.
What will happen if I forget to stop my workout?
We’ll look at your workout time from start to end to determine if it meets the required workout duration (minimum of 20 minutes). The total qualifying calories burned in the time will be calculated and the intensity will be derived from this. Unfortunately, even if you did a training session but you forgot to stop the workout, we’ll use the full time to calculate the intensity of your workout and this may result in a low intensity. Consequently, you might not earn at Active Day. Remember to always start and end your workout on your device.
For example, if you're a female, 300 calories in a 60-minute workout gives you an intensity of 5, which qualifies towards your Active Dayz. However, 300 calories in a 120-minute workout gives you an intensity of 2,5, which disqualifies your entire workout.
Make sure to update your weight on your linked activity tracking device or app regularly (every three months) for an accurate calculation on your calorie intensity. Your weight will be validated during your health and fitness assessments, and any deviation that we can confirm could lead to the retraction of your activity rewards.