HealthReturns guarantee
You would have qualified for the HealthReturns guarantee if you moved from Multiply Premier to Multiply Inspire Plus between 1 February 2024 and 1 April 2024.
Here’s a quick recap of how it works and what you need to remember (see example below):
- We'll top up your HealthReturns each month
- The top-up will match the average of your best HealthReturns on your Multiply Premier membership, over eleven months.
Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to earn extra HealthReturns when you take part in the monthly leaderboard challenges.
HealthReturns match qualifying criteria
You need to comply with the following to earn your HealthReturns match:
- You are HealthReturns compliant (this means your glucose and cholesterol levels are under control, and you're taking treatment for any chronic conditions, and these are also under control);
- You have a valid Healthy Heart Score (HHS); and
- You have at least two Weekly Wins OR a fitness assessment level of 3 or more on the date of the calculation.